The Apprenticeship College is a specialist provider of apprenticeship training.

Apprenticeship College

The Apprenticeship College is a forward-thinking training company focussed on learning and development. We use contemporary ‘Levy-compliant’ apprenticeships as the backbone of the learning and development programmes we create with employers. We design courses that deliver new skills and unlock the potential of your existing staff.

We offer a full range of support services to complement our apprenticeship training. We can help you plan how to recover all of your Apprenticeship Levy, recruit new apprentice staff, employ apprentices on your behalf, and manage your whole apprenticeship scheme for you. Where an apprenticeship is not appropriate we run a wide range of one day focus courses too.

  • Nigel Blackburn
    The Apprenticeship College are the Levy experts and have helped us design, plan and implement an apprenticeship programme that delivers the skills we need as part of our wider workforce development strategy.
    Nigel Blackburn
    Pendragon Group
  • Anthea Corridon, HR Advisor
    “From the outset we were provided with clear information and the support we received from the team was excellent”
    Anthea Corridon, HR Advisor
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Call us. 020 3651 4747
